How to prepare for THESIS

Proactive preparation is an essential step to ensuring your organization gets the most value from it's THESIS assessment process.

Things you can do now to support your success:

  1. Understand THESIS, including: What is THESIS? and Understand THESIS Scope so you get the data you'll need.
  2. Understand your organization's current state to inform your THESIS planning.
  3. Create your plan and timeline to ensure you have enough time.
  4. Organize your data collection so you ensure you get the data you'll need
  5. Notify your contacts so they can plan ahead and get the data to you in time

How long does it take to complete assessments? 

There are two components to the time needed to complete THESIS.

  1. Preparing for THESIS
  2. Logging into THESIS and completing the assessments. 

Preparation for completing the assessments (meaning gathering data, data analytics, learning the content, etc.) will depend on the size of your organization, your commitment to providing exact information, the number of relevant assessments, your unique data environment, your resources available, and your level of expertise in the covered topics. 

Depending on how much each organization understands the content and has the data you'll need available, it takes approximately 20 minutes to an hour to complete an assessment on the THESIS platform and submit it. 

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