Using THESIS to learn product and supply chain sustainability
THESIS is rooted in TSC’s university-based, scientific methodology and based in life-cycle analysis (LCA) methodology. THESIS was developed in a pre-competitive way using TSC’s stakeholder engagement expertise that brings the consumer-packaged goods (CPB-industry, NGOs, and higher education together for greater impact.
Resources include:
- Resources on THESIS on SupplyShift
- THESIS KPI Produce Guide
- THESIS Industry Insights
- Beauty and Personal Care Rating System
THESIS on Sphera
THESIS includes resources to understand supply chain sustainability and the sustainability of consumer products, even for those just beginning to understand the sustainability of their supply chains, including:
- Sustainability Snapshots: Overviews of the issues and opportunities for each assessment. These are ideal for internal communication when collecting data, as well as communicating results to external audiences
- KPI Guidance: Includes topic specific background information and information on the most relevant certification, standards, and tools.
Guidance for each KPI, typically includes multiple sections, such as:
- Calculation and scope: details about how to calculate the response, including what is included and/or excluded
- Certifications, standards, and tools: resources that are directly useful in completing the KPI
- Background information: context and useful information about addressing the key issues relevant to the KPI
- Definitions: descriptions for technical terms used in the KPI
THESIS KPI Produce Guide
This Guide provides a benchmark for the evaluation of responses to TSC’s THESIS KPIs with quantitative response options in select produce categories. Available on our website.
THESIS Industry Insights
Reports that dive deeper into sustainability trends based on THESIS data. Available on TSC's website.
Beauty and Personal Care Sustainability Rating System & THESIS Assessments
Overviews alignment of THESIS assessments with with the Beauty and Personal Care (BPC) Product Sustainability Rating System.