How to complete THESIS KPIs
Step by step process for completing THESIS KPIs:
- Identify all product types (e.g., SKUs) that fall within the product category and review the Assessment
- Product Scope before preparing your answers.
- Identify and work with the manager or subject matter expert who can access and collect the required data for the KPI for all relevant SKUs/facilities/suppliers.
- Reach out to suppliers or contract manufacturer as needed to collect required information.
- Identify the quantitative or qualitative attribute that the KPI is requesting. For qualitative attributes, identify the response option that is most common across the relevant SKUs/facilities/suppliers. For quantitative attributes, calculate a weighted average over SKUs/facilities/suppliers.
Our THESIS Support Center page: Data Collection and Completing KPIs includes resources, guidance, and best practices for completing THESIS KPIs.
Completing KPIs FAQ
How do I enter my data if it is too small for the response field?
Check your calculations to ensure that you have used the correct units. If you are sure that you have performed the calculation correctly and the number is still too small to be accepted by the response field, you may enter zero as your response.
Should calculations for product or material mass include the mass of the packaging?
No. Exclude packaging from any calculations involving the mass of product or material produced or purchased. Separate packaging KPIs are included where relevant.
Some questions ask for percentages. How do I calculate these?
The guidance associated with the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) question provides a “Calculation and Scope” section that describes how the percentage should be calculated. The KPI Guidance may be viewed in the THESIS KPI document and is also in a pop-up box linked to each KPI when completing an assessment on Sphera Supply Chain Sustainability, formerly known as SupplyShift.
How should I complete a KPI if I only have data for a portion of my business?
Your calculation should cover your entire global business, not just the portion for which you have data. For some KPIs, your denominator in your calculations should represent your entire business and the numerator should represent the data for the portion you can account for.
For KPIs that have a “% of supply” response option, you will report the numeric value for the portion of business that you have data for and then indicate the % of your supply that the numeric value represents
How should I answer the question if I can’t find a response option that matches what our organization is doing?
Choose (B) "We are unable to determine at this time." if the first response option is labeled “Not applicable”, otherwise choose (A), which will typically contain the phrase “We are unable to determine at this time.”
What if I can answer more than one response option, which one should I answer?
Answer the highest applicable answer, e.g., if both (B) and (C) are applicable, you can choose answer (C).