Data Collection Best Practices


THESIS is a process. It gives you visibility into where you are now as a benchmark to get you started. As part of your scorecard, THESIS provides you insights that you can use on how to improve year over year. It’s important to respond even if it’s difficult, if your data is incomplete, and if you can’t answer all questions or relevant assessments. THESIS retailers value engagement and action on sustainability.

Start where you are: It’s important to respond even if it's difficult or your data is incomplete. THESIS is an opportunity to engage with your suppliers and build your understanding of your supply chain.

Create a plan for your data collection

Start by creating a plan to organize what data you’ll need, who to contact to get the data, and identify a process for collecting data. Creating an effective plan ahead of time will greatly improve the efficiency of your process. 

The value you get from your THESIS assessment process depends on the quality of the data you use to complete your THESIS assessments.

During each Phase, identify data collection gaps, pain points, and bottlenecks to improve the efficiency of your data collection processes year-over-year and to develop ways to integrate your data collection processes into everyday operations.

As you're getting started with your data collection, prioritize data collection from your major suppliers as this data will cover the majority of your needed data.


Understanding THESIS Scope means you’ll be able to collect the data that you need to complete your assessments and most importantly that you’ll receive better quality insights from your THESIS assessments. 

Report for your entire supply chain (all regions and retail buyers) and the last available year of data. Learn more about what's in scope for THESIS here.


The amount of time it takes is difficult to predict and will depend on your internal data environment and your supply chain. To ensure you have enough time, begin planning your THESIS assessment process as soon as possible to ensure you give yourself the time you need. Some questions require you to collect data within your company and supply chain

Notify your facilities and suppliers as far ahead as possible that the request is coming so they can plan ahead. This means they are more likely to get the data to you in time.


Familiarize yourself with the guidance and reach out to us with questions. There is a lot of helpful information available.

KPI Guidance section "Calculation and Scope" includes important information to inform your data collection. Please review the KPI guidance website for more.

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